Chapter 102. Housing Standards  

§ 102-1. Enforcement officer.
§ 102-2. Adoption of standards.
§ 102-3. Inspections.
§ 102-4. Notice of violation.
§ 102-5. Hearing.
§ 102-6. Emergency action.
§ 102-7. Rules and regulations authorized; extent.
§ 102-8. Conformity required.
§ 102-9. Violations and penalties.
§ 102-10. Repealer; compatibility with Uniform Construction Code.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Township Council) of the Township of Logan 8-10-1977 by Ord. No. 7-1977. Amendments noted where applicable.


Unfit buildings — See Ch. 64.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 96.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 125.