§ 125-7. Failure to comply; removal by township; costs to become lien; charges.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Upon the failure of any owner or owners, occupant or occupants of any premises to remove brush, tall uncultivated grass, weeds, dead or dying trees or other obnoxious growth, filth, garbage, trash, rubbish or other obnoxious debris, junk vehicles, bulky waste, unregistered vehicles, vehicle trailers or trailer coaches or to abate a public nuisance within five days after notification, the public officer shall cause the same to be removed.
    For any of the above violations the public officer shall notify the Township Solicitor who may file an order to show cause with the Superior Court as to why the township may not remedy the violation. Upon favorable determination by the Court, the public officer shall cause the violations to be removed and/or abated, and the litigation costs of obtaining such an order, if required, and the costs of removal/remedy of violations shall be certified to the officer or officers whose duty it is to assess and levy taxes of the Township of Logan and shall thereupon be charged against said lands and premises and shall become and be a first and paramount lien upon said lands and premises and shall be added to and become and form a part of the taxes assessed against said lands and premises and shall be collected with and in the same manner as the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon said lands and premises, the same to bear interest at the same rate as taxes, and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.
    The costs to be charged and collected against said lands and premises for noncompliance, wherein the township brings the premises into compliance, shall be as follows:
    Three hundred dollars minimum charge for removal, plus $300 per ton of debris removed from the premises thereafter;
    One hundred dollars per hour of labor; and
    Reasonable attorneys fees, expert witness fees and court costs.
    In the event of a timely appeal pursuant to § 125-6 of this chapter, the public officer shall await the outcome of the hearing before taking action to remove the cause of the violation complained of, unless emergent circumstances require immediate action to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
Amended 6-16-2009 by Ord. No. 7-2009