§ 126-4. Safety requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No practice runs or races shall be permitted at any time unless operated in full compliance with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Race Track regulations (N.J.A.C. 13:62-1.1 et seq.). Among other requirements, these regulations particularly mandate, before any race or exhibition of driving skill is to be conducted, the following:
    One vehicle suitable for ambulance purposes available for immediate use at the licensed location, together with one trained first aid attendant.
    Class B Underwriter-labeled, approved fire extinguishers at suitable locations around the track.
    Sufficient security protection to maintain peace and good order (a sufficient number to be determined in consultation with the Logan Township Chief of Police).
    Guard personnel furnished by the licensee at each unlocked gateway between the spectator area and the track and/or pit areas.
    Guard personnel furnished by the licensee at each unlocked gateway between the pit area and the track area.
    Security personnel shall be present and available at least two hours before each event, shall remain for the duration of each event and shall be present until the parking area is clear after the completion of each event.
    Traffic control of ingress and egress to the licensed premises shall be the responsibility of the licensee. The licensee shall furnish and provide a suitable number of trained traffic control/security officers to smoothly and efficiently control traffic before and after any event. The senior-ranking officer of the Logan Township Police Department on duty at the time of the event shall make the determination as to the adequacy of traffic control personnel. Traffic entering or leaving an event will be by single lane, and a sufficient number of traffic control officers will be posted at strategic points to ensure safe ingress and egress for all police, fire and ambulance vehicles. The licensee shall fully comply with the escrow requirements of Ordinance 29-2002 when use of the Logan Township Police Department is requested or becomes necessary for traffic control and/or any other type of police matter.
    [Amended 5-15-2007 by Ord. No. 4-2007]
    Editor's Note: See § 4-47G.
    For races/events ending before 6:00 p.m., the parking area and facility shall be emptied by 9:00 p.m. For races/events ending after 6:00 p.m., the parking area and facility shall be emptied within two hours after the end of the last race/event or 1:30 a.m., whichever is earlier.