§ 129-3. Merchants' responsibilities and requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Every merchant within the Township of Logan shall, upon the purchase of any secondhand goods and/or precious metals from the public, be required to do as follows:
    Require photo identification of the person with whom he or she is transacting business. A copy of the photo identification must be retained on file with the purchase records.
    Record on a numbered receipt the name, address and telephone number of the purchaser; the name, address and telephone number of the seller or sellers; the time and date of the transaction; the net weight in terms of pounds Troy, pennyweight (Troy) or kilograms/grams of the precious metals; fineness in terms of karats for gold, and sterling or coin for silver, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 51:5-1 et seq. and 51:6-1 et seq.
    Supply to the Chief of Police of the Township of Logan, within two days from the date of purchase, on a form approved by the Township of Logan, the information contained in Subsection B above, plus the following:
    A physical description of the seller.
    The receipt number.
    A full description of the item or items purchased, including but not limited to marks, numbers, dates, sizes, shapes, initials and monograms.
    The price paid for the item.
    The form must be signed by the seller and initialed by the clerk who made the transaction.
    The secondhand goods and/or precious metals are to be made available for inspection by the Chief of Police of Logan Township or his or her designated representative for a period of five days from the date the information required above is received by the Chief of Police on the approved form. The secondhand goods and/or precious metals shall remain in the same condition as when purchased and shall not be changed, modified, melted or disposed of by the purchaser until the five-day period has expired. During this five-day period, the secondhand goods and/or precious metals shall be placed in public view at the purchaser's place of business. If the property is such that it would create a hardship on the merchant by holding the secondhand goods and/or precious metals for such period, the merchant may present the property to the Chief of Police or his or her representative in order that it may be photographed and, if deemed necessary by the Chief of Police or his or her designated representative, an investigation be implemented. The Chief of Police or his or her designated representative has the authority to grant the merchant a waiver of the requirement under this section.
Amended 11-20-2012 by Ord. No. 11-2012