§ 146A-3. List of wreckers established.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Township Council of the Township of Logan, at the first meeting in January 2014 and every two years thereafter, shall establish a certified list of wreckers to be called by the Police Department when required. All completed applications and information required shall be forwarded to the Police Department no later than December 1 of the prior year. The wreckers so listed shall be called on a rotational basis established by the Police Department.
    Every applicant seeking to be placed on the Logan Township List of Wreckers shall complete, sign and verify a written application on forms furnished by the Township Clerk. The application shall include the following information and documentation:
    Name, business address, residential address and telephone numbers (residence and business) of the towing operator and principal owners thereof.
    Locations of outside secured storage areas for tow trucks, towed vehicles, and all other vehicles used in the towing operator's business.
    The application shall be accompanied by the following supporting documentation:
    Zoning certification (issued by the Municipal Zoning Officer/Construction Official) and Bureau of Fire certification (issued by the Fire Official) from the municipality where the tow facility is located.
    Deed of ownership or lease agreement for the tow facility.
    A site plan showing the location of the storage location, the number of cars that can be stored, the total square footage area of the storage location and outlying bounds of the inside building and/or fencing.
    Roster of tow trucks and other vehicles registered (registration number and serial number).
    The name, address and driver's license number of each driver or operator of the tow vehicle(s).
    Certificates of garage liability insurance, automobile liability insurance, garagekeepers' insurance, excess umbrella insurance and workers' compensation insurance.
    Business registration certificate issued by the State of New Jersey.
    Federal tax identification number.
    The applicant shall submit completed duplicate applications, upon forms provided by Logan Township, to the Chief of Police for his approval. The review of the Chief of Police shall consist of the following:
    A criminal background history check to determine if either the applicant or the applicant's personnel have been convicted of a criminal offense or have had their driver's licenses suspended or revoked within the past year. Conviction of a criminal offense or suspension of a driver's license within the past year shall be cause for disqualification from inclusion on the official towers list.
    An inspection of personnel, vehicles, equipment and storage area proposed to be utilized by the applicant to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the application and to determine compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the standards of performance required by this chapter.
    Every tow operator on the Township of Logan tow list shall be responsible for all fees and costs involved to perform criminal and driver's license background checks for each of their employees pursuant to § 146A-3C of this chapter.
    Every tow operator shall be responsible for submitting the information required in § 146A-3C(1) for all personnel hired after the submission of the initial application and within 14 days after being hired. Logan Township does not obtain criminal background history checks. The applicant may obtain a criminal history record via a service provided by the New Jersey State Police at www.bioapplicant.com/nj. Failure to provide said information within the time required may subject the tow operator to removal or suspension from the official towers list pursuant to § 146A-19 and fines pursuant to § 146A-20.
    No more than one roster slot on the Logan Township certified list of wreckers shall be granted to any applicant. No certified wrecker shall have interest, direct or indirect, in any other certified wrecker on Logan Township's certified list of wreckers.
    The towing and storage facility must be established at its current location for a minimum of three years.
Amended 11-9-2010 by Ord. No. 15-2010; 9-17-2013 by Ord. No. 4-2013