§ 146A-7. Maximum tow charges; additional requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Any wrecker called to tow a vehicle at the request of the Police Department of the Township of Logan shall charge no more than the following maximum tow charges. These charges will be all-inclusive.
    First mile or less.
    Light-duty: $95.
    Heavy-duty: $450.
    Motorcycle: $125.
    Each additional mile: $3, portal to portal.
    Nights, weekends and New Jersey State holidays.
    First mile or less.
    Light-duty: $110.
    Heavy-duty: $475.
    Each additional mile: $3.50, portal to portal.
    Per vehicle/per day: $50, light trucks and cars 8,500 pounds or less.
    Per vehicle/per day: $90, vehicles over 8,501 pounds.
    Outside secured.
    Per vehicle/per day: $35, light trucks and cars 8,500 pounds or less.
    Per vehicle/per day: $60, vehicles over 8,501 pounds.
    Additional fees.
    Oil dry: $15 per bag or any part of a bag.
    Heavy-duty labor: $65 per man hour.
    Heavy-duty support vehicle: $125 per man hour.
    Administration fee: $35.
    Debris cleanup: $40 per hour will apply in increments of 15 minutes.
    Additional charges may apply as approved by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
    Removal of mechanically attached (bolted or similarly fastened) personal property: minimum charge of one hour and up to a maximum charge of two hours of the tower's regularly posted hourly rate.
    If the owner of an unattended vehicle appears on the scene and the vehicle does not need to be towed or impounded, the wrecker shall not charge for the service call, unless the vehicle has been hooked up to the tow truck, in which event 50% of the authorized towing charge may be assessed against the owner or driver of the vehicle.
    There shall be no charge for towing, storage or impoundment if it is determined by the Chief of Police that such vehicles have been towed, stored or impounded due to an error by the wrecker or the Police. This determination shall be made in the sole discretion of the Chief of Police and is binding upon the wrecker, who shall make no claims against the Township or the owner of the vehicle, and if payment has already been received, the payor shall be reimbursed.
    It shall be the duty of all wreckers and towing services to maintain a listing of the rates shown herein.
    Every owner and operator of a wrecker shall maintain a written schedule of all rates and charges and shall make such schedule available to any person requesting same at any time.
    Every wrecker shall plainly and conspicuously post, in an area within the premises where customers are likely to be present, a schedule of maximum fees and towing charges permitted by this chapter of the Township of Logan Code.
    Every operator or owner of a wrecker shall give the owner of the vehicle a detailed written receipt for the services provided and the fee paid.
    Every operator or owner of a wrecker shall comply with any request of the owner of a towed vehicle, including but not limited to the towing of the vehicle to another location within the Township of Logan designated by the driver, owner or police officer and the payment of fees, provided that the request does not conflict with any order or investigation from any member of the Police Department acting in his/her official capacity.
    Removal of personal property.
    [Amended 9-17-2013 by Ord. No. 4-2013]
    The owner of said vehicle which has been towed pursuant to this section shall be permitted by the wrecker, subject to prior written approval by the Logan Township Police Department, to recover items of personal property in the vehicle at the time it was towed. However, said owner shall not be permitted to remove from the vehicle any integral part of the vehicle, whether attached to the vehicle or not, including but not limited to batteries, tires and license plates. The tower shall immediately and unconditionally release any and all property from vehicles impounded as a result of a tow dispatched by Logan Township, whether or not said property is mechanically attached to the vehicle, upon written request and at the sole discretion of the Logan Township Chief of Police or his/her designee. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in suspension from the towers list. The suspension from the list shall be progressive and consist of the following:
    First offense: suspended one towing rotation.
    Second offense: suspended two towing rotations.
    Third offense: suspension of three towing rotations.
    If, in the discretion of the tower, the removal of said property requires the tower's assistance to remove mechanically attached items, said tower shall be permitted to charge the owner (or responsible party) of the vehicle a minimum charge of one hour and up to a maximum of two hours of its regular hourly rate.
    No charge shall be made to the owner of a vehicle for any service or work required to be performed to the vehicle in order to either tow or flatbed said vehicle unless expressly agreed upon by the owner of said vehicle.