§ 146A-9. Record of towed vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • Every wrecker called by the Division of Police shall keep a record of all details of each vehicle towed, together will full information concerning the details surrounding the hire and the name and address of the owner of the towed vehicle and of the person engaging him. To the extent possible, prior to towing the vehicle to his business establishment where the vehicle is left in the safekeeping of the owner of the wrecker, the owner of the wrecker shall search the vehicle in the presence of a member of the Police Department and make a detailed inventory of all property contained in the vehicle. The inventory so made shall be signed by the owner of the wrecker, or his designee, and the member of the Police Department who was present at the making of the inventory. The owner of the wrecker shall keep the original inventory, and a copy of the same shall be given to the Chief of Police. The inventory shall also indicate the date of towing and the name and address of the owner of the car. The record book herein described shall be kept open for inspection at all times by the Chief of Police or any duly authorized representative of the Chief. If any member of the Police Department desires entry into the vehicle towed after inventory is made, he must sign a written statement releasing the owner of the wrecker, or other person in custody of the towed vehicle, for any damage or loss to the towed vehicle or contents.