Chapter 99A. Graffiti  

§ 99A-1. Prohibited acts.
§ 99A-2. Removal required.
§ 99A-3. Removal by Township; assessment of costs.
§ 99A-4. Prosecution of minors.
§ 99A-5. Parents responsible for damage.
§ 99A-6. Reward.
§ 99A-7. Violations and penalties; restoration.
§ 99A-8. Severability.
§ 99A-9. Repealer.
§ 99A-10. When effective.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Logan 6-17-2008 by Ord. No. 14-2008. Amendments noted where applicable.


Garbage, rubbish and refuse — See Ch. 99.
Litter — See Ch. 110.
Public health nuisances — See Ch. 114.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 125.